Nous anti-gaspi launches its e-commerce website

Already present on the French market with 24 "Nous anti-gaspi" shops that fight against food waste, the grocery chain has decided to go further by arriving on the digital market. We can now order French fruit and vegetables and dry goods (350 skus) via click & collect on the company's website and collect them from the shops in Cesson-Sévigné and soon in Rennes.

For the moment, this service is only available in the Rennes area, but it will be extended from September with click & collect in the Paris shops and home delivery throughout France in order to offer a wider range of products. "We want to offer a variety of services and digital uses are now favoured by some of our customers. This fundraising will enable us to position ourselves as the leader in food distribution dedicated to the fight against waste, both online and offline," says Vincent Justin and Charles Lottmann, co-founders of the Nous anti-gaspi start-up.

To achieve this, Nous anti-gaspi has been able to benefit from the support of its historical shareholders (Eutopia, Quadria and Danone Manifesto Ventures) for a new financing operation, which amounts to 8 million euros. This amount will enable the network to maintain its objective of 40 new openings by 2024, but also to expand into e-commerce and extend its branded products.,415986

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