Marcel & Fils takes over La Vie Saine organic shops

Following the acquisition of the Onalavie shops last November, Marcel & Fils has acquired the La Vie Saine brand.

Created in 1958, La Vie Saine has 16 shops in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Ile-de-France, Occitanie and Bordeaux, generating a turnover of 30 million euros. Thanks to this acquisition, Marcel & Fils will be able to expand into new regions and will pass the 60-store mark, recalling their objective of 100 shops by 2025. "After this merger, we will have more than 60 shops and we expect to achieve a total turnover of 140 million euros. The acquisition of La Vie Saine illustrates Marcel & Fils' strategy of strengthening its local roots in France," says Emmanuel Dufour, Marcel & Fils' founder, president, and shareholder.,416541

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