Market shares : the three leaders of the summer

Kantar has just published its market share growth rankings for the period from July 11th to August 7th. 
Lidl is the most dynamic retailer. The retailer has a 7.6% share of FMCG sales, a score that is up 0.3 points compared to 2021.
The Carrefour group, for its part, has gained +0.2 pts over the two periods, reaching 20.2% of market share. This growth is mainly due to the proximity formats and supermarkets
Leclerc is also well positioned, with +0.2 points. The group's market share is 22.5%. 
All hypermarkets, on the other hand, saw their market share fall by 0.5 points. This says a lot about the underperformance of other competitors in the segment, starting with Géant Casino and Auchan

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